The Armistice Centenary

The 11th of November 2018, World War 1 ended with the Armistice signature, following four years of violent fights.

One hundred years later, WWI French Soldiers, also called “Les Poilus” are not here anymore to testify. In order to commemorate this historical date, the city of Paris organizes events from the 6th of October until the 30th of November 2018.

On the program, concerts, orchestras, musical readings, round-table discussions, movie-conferences, expositions, promenades, guided tours, ceremonies and the inauguration of the new Parisian war memorial.

The details of the activities proposed are available on the city official website.

During this period, the Hôtel Pastel*** welcomes you only few minutes walking from Le Petit Palais where two of the events will take place and near Charles de Gaulle Etoile station, real hub of the Parisian transports.